
Teenagers are more concerned about the economy or the environment than about machismo

Gender inequalities were the number one concern before the pandemic, according to the UNICEF Barometer

A high school class, in an archive image.
2 min

BarcelonaThe economy, insecurity, the environment, war and hunger in the world, as well as sexual assaults on minors. These are the major concerns pointed out by Catalan minors between 11 and 18 years old, according to the Barometer of Opinion of Children and Adolescents published by Unicef, in which the Concern about sexism and gender inequality They do not appear until fifteenth place. However, in the first edition of 2019, gender inequalities were the main concern, coinciding with the first major mobilizations of women to demand equality and effects of the Pamplona gang sentence.

In this area of gender roles, more than 30% of respondents believe that those who should ensure the safety of the streets should be "mainly or only" men, and almost 10% also think of men as managing companies. On the contrary, nearly 20% associate childcare with "mainly or only" women, while a similar percentage believe that leadership should be the responsibility of men.

Political disaffection

"We need to listen to children and adolescents to understand their real concerns and to be able to respond to their worries and needs," said the executive director of Unicef ​​​​Spain, José María Vera, on Tuesday, who points out that the results of the survey warn of the "political disaffection" of young people. Almost 60% believe that political issues do not affect them. The report reflects that four out of ten boys and girls surveyed rate the political and economic situation in Spain as bad or very bad, a percentage that drops to less than two out of ten when it comes to their perception at a local level.

As for institutions, those that generate the most confidence are the university, public health, scientists and NGOs, while at the bottom are political parties and representatives, followed by the state government and religious representatives. As for professions, the most respected are doctors, police officers, teachers, architects and athletes, and the least respected are, in this order, journalists, bankers, beauticians, content creators and, above all, politicians.

When it comes to getting information on current affairs, watching television – as a means of information – and following influencers -to know their opinion- are the two options most used by young people, 28.5% and 27.7%, respectively.
