Spain requires those driving into the country from France to present a negative PCR test taken 72 hours beforehand

The measure, published this Saturday in the BOE, will come into force in three days


Spain will require citizens driving into the country from France to present a negative PCR test taken 72 hours before crossing the border, according to Saturday's publication in the Official State Gazette (BOE). The new rule provides for three exceptions: carriers, cross-border workers, and residents in border areas within a radius of 30 kilometers.

The decision, which only affects people drivint into Spain from French territory, comes at the gates of Easter and when other countries also strengthen their controls.

This measure comes in addition to the one that established that citizens from France traveling by air or sea would have to present a negative test, so that from now on all travelers from France, in whichever way they enter the country, are required to present this negative PCR test to access Spain.

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This measure will come into force in three days and will last until the Spanish government declares the end of the health crisis situation caused by covid-19.