The divide between young and old over anti-pandemic measures, in 5 graphs

People under 34 agree with the changes in May, but the total population disagrees with them

Hundreds of people gathered at Passeig de Lluis Companys, this Sunday at dawn.
Auri Garcia Morera
2 min

The end of the state of alarm has led to significant changes in anti-pandemic measures this May. According to a YouGov survey of the state's citizens carried out in the days following the changes, these have generated completely opposite reactions among younger and older people.

Among 18-to-24-year-olds, 42% agree and only 26% disagree, and among 25-to-34-year-olds there are also more supporters than detractors, albeit with a slightly smaller difference.

From the age of 35 and above, on the other hand, the majority of respondents disagreed with the relaxation of restrictions. The most opposed are citizens aged 45 to 54, while in the 55+ age group the gap narrows again. In the population as a whole, there is a majority of detractors.

In the detailed responses we can see how the youngest respondents are the most forceful, with the largest percentage of respondents who strongly agree and the smallest percentage of respondents who strongly disagree: only 8%, a much lower figure than those of other age groups.

As age increases, the percentage who strongly agree decreases. Among 25-to-34-year-olds, however, there is more polarisation: a significant percentage strongly agree with the changes, but at the same time it is the group with the most respondents who strongly disagree.

When asked about specific measures, 18-to-24-year-olds are clearly against curfew, limiting the size of gatherings or bat and restaurant opening times. The only measure on which positions are evenly divided is the one referring to limiting capacity in bars and restaurants, even though detractors also prevail. Younger people are also against the legal instrument of the state of alarm.

Among the population as a whole, on the other hand, those in favour of these same measures are in the majority, and with even higher percentages. The only measure in which the opinion of young people and that of the population as a whole coincides is the limitation of restaurant opening hours, which has a majority of detractors. As for the legal instrument of the state of alarm, although the difference is very small, the population as a whole is in favour.

The only thing that generates consensus is the feeling of insecurity due to the crowds which have gathered after the end of the state of alarm. In all age groups, a large majority of people felt very or fairly unsafe. Among young people aged between 18 and 34, the figures were slightly lower (below 80%). The 35 to 44 age group has the highest figure, close to 90%. Among older people and the population as a whole, the percentage is around 85%.
