Vox threatens to overturn budgets in the Valencian Country over regularization of migrants
He attacks Gan Pampols, the military man hired by Mazón, to show his support for the measure: "He is an infiltrator of Sánchez"

Valencia"He is an infiltrator of [Pedro] Sánchez" and "thanks to him sage "This is the new attack by Vox on the vice president according to the minister for the Economic and Social Recovery of the Valencian Government, the former military man Francisco José Gan Pampols, who since weeks has become the epicenter of the criticism of the ultra party, which shows a supposed equidistance and, above all, that he did not join the offensives against the Spanish president, Pedro Sánchez. In this case, the escomesa is produeix from the support expressed by Gan Pampols to the announcement of the State to regularize in an exceptional and temporary manner 26,000 immigrants affected by the DANA. "benvingudes" if they are "in a position to provide some of the multiple jobs that are necessary." In fact, it is going to focus on "training them and getting them to work", at the "problem of more work" that exists in sectors such as construction, which the DANA of October has accentuated.
The person in charge of launching reproaches at the vice president has been the spokesperson for Vox in the Valencian Parliament, José María Llanos, who first attacked Gan Pampols through social networks: "What's wrong with him? slaves? Is he infiltrated by the traitor Sánchez? Does he not trust the Spanish people? Because if this is what there is, thanks to him sage What there won't be is a budget. You can thank Sánchez and his puppet Feijóo for that," he said last night on his X account. And as a sign that this is not an untimely accusation or the result of any outburst, this Tuesday morning he repeated the criticism in an appearance before the media. According to the ultra politician, "and they ignore the fact that there are "millions of unemployed" in Spain. In addition, and regarding the 2025 accounts, he has shifted all responsibility to the populars: "If there is no budget it will be the fault of the PP, which forced us to leave the [autonomous] governments despite the fact that they knew that we would be consistent with our approaches. Every day it is clearer to me that the enemy is at home, I don't know if by order of Sánchez or Feijóo," he defended.
In his attack, the Vox spokesperson has had the support of the president of the Corts and one of the main representatives of the ultra party in the Valencian Community. Regularization of illegal immigrants represents a new attack on the security and prosperity of the Spanish people. "There is no way that some decisions will follow Sánchez's policies," he said.
The statements of the two main Valencian leaders of Vox are marked in the strategy dictated by his state president, Santiago Abascal, who will also criticize the Popular Party for negotiating with the European Union both The PSOE will affirm that it will not give in "to xantatges or pressures" to agree on the autonomous budgets, among which is that of the Valencian Country, the Partit Popular governs in a minority and needs the external support of Vox to approve the comptes
Gives the criticisms of its members, from the PP. try to avoid xoc amb the others. This was done this morning by the first vice president of the Consell, Susana Camarero, who has refused to evaluate the words of Vox. The speaker has also limited herself to defending the management of Gan Pampols and has affirmed that she has not seen the publications of X by José María Llanos. "We are very grateful to the second vice president for wanting to be with that Consell. He has all our support," she assured. However, she has recalled that Gan Pampols does not have the immigration powers and has asked for caution before evaluating Pedro Sánchez's initiatives. Regarding the budgets, Camarero has reiterated the desire of the popular party to continue negotiating with Abascal's party. In fact, she has recalled that "the accounts will be approved if the PP makes the second vice president and counselor for Economic and Social Recovery rectify. The agreement with Vox seems to be the only way for the PP to obtain a new budget, given that Compromís refuses to negotiate with the PP and the PSPV also opposes the recovery of the DANA, a scenario that the Popular Party is completely against.