Together adds Argimon to its possible mayoral candidates in Barcelona.
The council members include the former health minister in an internal survey, while he wins significantly in the election between Rius and Martí.
BarcelonaOne of the most important decisions Junts must make before the 2027 municipal elections is the candidate for Barcelona. Following the departure of Xavier Trias, this is one of the most important issues facing the municipal group of councilors and also within the party itself: the intention was to choose him before Easter, but municipal sources admit that everything may go slower than expected. The issue is that there is no clear candidate, despite the fact that most sources believe Josep Rius, the party's current spokesperson, councilor in the Catalan capital, and member of Parliament, is in a strong position. At least for the national leadership: he is the one who, several sources suggest, would have the confidence of former president Carles Puigdemont. However, there is a section of the party in Barcelona that doesn't see this as a possibility and supports the current group leader, Jordi Martí, who has always expressed a willingness to run. Given all this, according to what ARA has learned from several sources consulted, an internal survey was commissioned to bring science into the debate and, among the names included, is former minister Josep Maria Argimon, who joins the possible mayoral candidates for Junts.
They also asked, at least, about Josep Rius, Jordi Martí, Victoria Alsina and also, from outside the political frontline, about former minister Quim Forn. Argimon and Forn are the ones who would have a higher level of awareness, unlike the rest, who are low. In any case, Junts sources downplay the importance of the short list and they consider the debate to be open. It's even generating internal tension between the municipal group and the party, and some are openly talking about holding primaries, although Junts' new statutes don't provide for this method for choosing municipal candidates. Junts, in fact, also doesn't rule out the possibility of choosing a candidate leader now and making a last-minute signing to make a splash.
As explained by AHORA, Several Junts leaders had already approached Quim Forn about returning to institutional politics, but so far he has declined to appear on the front line again. Josep Maria Argimon has declined to comment to this newspaper about the survey and whether he wants to return to politics. In any case, the former minister's being in the running is not entirely new, as he already appeared in 2022, shortly after Junts' departure from the Catalan government, and when Xavier Trias's return operation had not yet been confirmed. The possibility of Argimon being the former mayor's number two was even raised. However, the former minister decided to return to the private sector and sign for the Pasqual Maragall Foundation.
The candidates are out of the loop
There are also names moving outside the official circuit of party candidates. This is the case of former MP Jaume Alonso Cuevillas, or lawyer and writer Jordi Cabré, nephew of former mayor Xavier Trias. In Cabré's case, according to the sources consulted, various sectors have spoken with him about the possibility of entering politics, but no official conversations have taken place.
Given the diversity of candidates on the table, the method of selecting the candidate in Barcelona seems crucial. And, according to Junts' statutes, it is difficult to reach a clear conclusion. The organizational document approved at the congress in October of last year states that consensus between the national leadership and the municipal level must prevail in choosing municipal candidates. Unlike the previous stage in the party, there is no longer open talk of primaries, and the desire is for "the entire party to agree." He says there must be coordination between the local level and the party's national leadership, although he admits that the party's opinions in the municipalities take precedence. He also states that specific regulations for the selection of candidates should be drawn up, taking into account the specificities of Barcelona, but this has not yet been done. The debate is not expected to be peaceful.