This is the document that Junts agreed to in Ripoll to oust Sílvia Orriols from the mayor's office

The Ripollean councillors were negotiating until the national leadership convinced them to stop the motion of censure

and ARA

Barcelona"The opposition municipal groups, aware of their responsibility to the citizens, have decided to promote a motion of censure to reverse this blockage and recover a governability based on dialogue, agreement and consensus." The five-way pact, which would have given the mayorship of Ripoll to the councillor Maria Soldevila, ended up failing at the last minute. by the intervention of the national leadership of Junts, but it was ready to be signed, as all the sources consulted in recent days – including those from Junts – stressed. The ARA has accessed the draft that was being worked on in Ripoll, advanced by SER Catalunya, which shows that the negotiations had reached a point of concretion that only required the signature of the future government partners.

Esborrany de l'acord per la moció de censura a Sílvia Orriols
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Together, ERC, PSC, CUP and also Som-hi Ripoll committed to promoting the motion of censure in the face of the "institutional blockage and democratic exceptionality" that they detected in the capital of Ripoll as a result of the "inability" of Aliança Catalana to reach agreements and its strategy of "confrontation". In fact, in the text they are direct about their opinion of the current mayor, who they say is of a "radical and racist" ideology and has "eroded coexistence in Ripoll".

Maria Soldevila would have become mayor of a minority government formed by Junts, ERC and the PSC, with the external support of the CUP and Som-hi Ripoll, which would guarantee the absolute majority necessary for the motion of censure to be passed. At a press conference on Tuesday afternoon, Junts representatives acknowledged that they had been negotiating to reach an agreement with the other political forces, but stressed that they had never signed it. They did not do so because on Monday night, in a telematic meeting, The national leadership of Junts convinced them that it was better to leave Silvia Orriols in the mayor's office.

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Programmatic content

The pre-agreement not only defined the governing team but also the programme that would be followed during the two and a half years remaining until the next municipal elections. For example, promoting the construction of social housing, especially in the Barri Vell; the renovation of the swimming pool and the municipal pavilion; implementing renewable energies in the city, and other ideologically charged ones to combat the mental framework established by Sílvia Orriols since she became mayor, such as "promoting social and labour inclusion programmes to facilitate access to the labour market for vulnerable groups" and "support for associations and dynamisation".

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The document contains few specifics and, in fact, it is already emphasised that it focuses on the issues that generate "consensus" between the signatory forces. In any case, the five parties committed to guarantee "stable governance based on mutual respect and the will to resolve the challenges of the municipality from a shared vision". What was the most relevant consensus? To end the government of the Catalan Alliance, which everyone perceived as a danger for the city. A consensus that ended up being broken at the last minute, which allows Silvia Orriols to be mayor at least until 2027 and with this year's budgets automatically approved.