The new independentism which does not promise the moon

It is a new historic day in Parliament (it has been 90 years since an ERC candidate ran for investiture), but the feeling is that, compared to 2017, the mood has dropped a lot. In the street, barely six people with esteladas, and inside, Nacho Martín Blanco (Cs) routinely asks for the floor to protest against the delegated vote of Lluís Puig. Laura Borràs does not have to make much effort to cut him off. The tension between Carlos Carrizosa and Carme Forcadell is far away, and the slow tone of the president of the Parliament contributes to this general drowsiness.
This is why the vehemence of Pere Aragonès is surprising when he launches into his speech. Contrary to what happened with Quim Torra, this is a person who has prepared himself thoroughly for this moment, who leaves nothing to chance, who looks like and is, in short, a professional politician. A few years ago this would have been considered a detraction. Now it is not so clear.
The speech precisely distances itself from Torra's: it quotes the most skeptical Fuster ("ni visques, ni banderes, ni himnes") ("no hurrays, no flags, no hymns") and sketches " a modern national affiliation", without "historical reminiscences" and where everyone is welcome. He hammers on the formula "Republican Generalitat" so many times that he even uses it up, but says nothing about the Consell per la República (Council for the Republic). His obsession is to stress that he will be "the president of all" and that Catalonia must continue to be "one people". And then, when he talks about the dialogue with the State and the resolution of the conflict, comes the phrase that best defines the lesson of 2017: "I cannot guarantee that it will work out, but we will not falter". This new independence movement has its feet on the ground and does not promise the moon.
As a whole, the discourse is a compendium of the classic left-wing republican ideology filtered through the filter of junquerisme with hints of the CUP. Junts, which does not define itself on the left-right axis, has found nowhere to hold on to. And so it adopts an ungrateful role, that of an offended and angry partner. "The Junts pressing does not work", says Batet. On the other hand, in the CUP they breathe easily and smile. The trauma of 2015 is still present.
Difference with Iceta
Salvador Illa is also a professional, effective and direct politician, but has a markedly more conservative discourse than Miquel Iceta (he focuses on defending the Mossos). Aragonès enjoys confronting him and the duel ends with good words from both of them. The PSC will not be a mere spectator of the legislature.
Laura Borràs takes advantage of the intervetion of Ignacio Garriga (Vox) to make herself heard as president and denounces the "insulting generalizations" of his speech. Even so, the great protagonist of the day is Aragonès, who does not seem to be affected by the failure of the vote or the criticisms of his partners. He is comfortable in the parliamentary debate and does not seem to mind having to come back as many times as necessary. Yesterday, however, his correctness and outstretched hand failed to soften Junts. Quite the contrary.