The most crowded debate's 1 vs 1


BarcelonaIn the first nine-way debate in the history of TV3, the candidates sought to challenge the candidates on opposite sides of the aisle, but also those with whom they are competing for voters. The presence of the far right muddied the discussion, which at times turned into gibberish.

Carlos Carrizosa


Used to being the most forceful against independentism and against socialism, yesterday he was cornered by Garriga. Carrizosa even seemed moderate, but above all, he seemed disoriented.

Salvador Illa


It is the main focus of criticism, but it is not the first debate in which Illa believes that they question him more than they really do. "I don't give lessons and nobody gives them to me", he kept repeating.

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Alejandro Fernández


He asked Illa ironically what he had been minister of. He asked Garriga to clarify if he wanted to be MP or to shut down Parliament. He got the tone right and consciously slanted Vox even further to the extreme right.

Laura Borràs


She took the first headline of the night with the announcement that Josep Maria Argimon would be her Minister of Health. Not questioned too much by the rest, she knew how to place the messages that most interested her.

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Jéssica Albiach


She knew what she wanted to say from the first intervention. Public sector, tripartite, and dialogue. She presented JxCat as her nemesis, but she replied to ERC's attacks on the Ministry of Labour. And actively ignored Vox.

Àngels Chacón


The PDECat candidate took advantage of the fact that she is no longer part of the Government to go head to head with her partners in JxCat and ERC. She tried to use each intervention to set her own profile.

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Pere Aragonès


He sought to go one-on-one with Salvador Illa and received attacks from practically all sides, which placed him in a central position. He wanted to show off his management profile by announcing that he would link the budget to the investiture.

Dolors Sabater


It was difficult for her to enter the debate and when she did it was with long interventions. She fixed messages on evictions, social policy and the fight against Vox, but faltered when it came to sharing numbers.

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Ignacio Garriga


He wanted to give himself an adjective: "If saying that secessionism steals or that the social-communist government has caused the death of thousands of compatriots is being populist, I am populist". He also made demagogy.