Clash between the executive and legislative power in Madrid: Assembly bureau appeals against Ayuso's snap election

Assembly is dissolved but the bureau warns that it processed the motions of censure before the election call was published

MadridNew chapter in the legal mess in which the Community of Madrid is immersed since yesterday is immersed in the Community of Madrid. After the publication this morning of the decree of electoral call for May 4, the Assembly of Madrid has been dissolved. However, the bureau - which yesterday Wednesday admitted ttwo motions of censure presented by the PSOE and Más Madrid - plans to appeal against Isabel Diaz Ayuso's snap election call. It points out that the motions of censure were processed first, leading to an unprecedented clash between the executive and legislative powers in Madrid.

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Más Madrid leader Íñigo Errejón has already warned early in the morning that they would take the case to court if necessary. The spokesman for the Socialists in Madrid, Ángel Gabilondo, has also taken it for granted that the matter would reach the courts even though he has pointed out that they had not taken any decision in this regard. Ayuso, on the other hand, has accused the bureau of corrupt practices in its decision to process the motions of censure at the meeting yesterday Wednesday afternoon. In the end, it is the bureau - where an alliance between Ciudadanos and PSOE is enough to make decisions - who has control.

However, after studying the legal report to determine whether the chamber was dissolved or not after proceeding with the motions of censure, it has been decided that the dissolution has "immediate effects" with the publication of the decree calling for new elections. However, it seems the courts will have the last word.

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Ayuso: "Time will prove me right".

The Madrid president, now already in office, has said in an interview with COPE that she is not "at all" worried about losing the court battle and has defended that she has looked into the matter and that she has a "good legal team". In her view, if what she has done were not correct, it would mean that no president can call early elections, because they could always be stopped with a motion of censure - it must be borne in mind, however, that in Madrid elections have to be repeated in 2023 as well, even if there are held now. "I have followed the established procedure, scrupulously, and time will prove me right," she said.

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