Consell per la República offers to make changes in functioning to break deadlock

It proposes a dialogue with the entities, Esquerra and the CUP

A day before the second investiture debate, the Consell per la República (CxR) has made a move: it offers to reformulate its governance to include the strategic direction of the Independence bid. Through a press statement, CxR assures that it has to be the "republican institution from which strategies have to be agreed on to make effective what we committed ourselves to after the result of the referendum", but it agrees with ERC and the CUP -who are suspicious of CxR- that "modifications" have to be made in its functioning.

To do so, it 'offers a "bilateral dialogue" with the top leaders of ERC -the president, Oriol Junqueras and the general secretary, Marta Rovira-, the CUP, the ANC and Òmnium to change its structure. In any case, he also says that the changes they agree to will have to be debated later within the Consell and applied through its regulations.

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The role of the Consell per la República for days now has been holding up the investiture of Pere Aragonès, which in all likelihood will be frustrated again tomorrow. Junts wants it to be the place where the strategy for the Independence bid is agreed, while ERC and CUP want a new body because they believe that the Consell is a "partisan" entity. In recent hours, ERC and Junts have continued to address this issue, hoping to find a way to break the deadlock.

This weekend ANC made a proposal -which it had previously sent to the two groups- to try to synthesise their positions. It proposed that the collegiate leadership of five members -ERC, JxCat, CUP, ANC and Òmnium- that there is in the pre-agreement of Republicans and cupaires to be included in the Consell per la República. "We express our willingness to discuss this issue with the actors called to be part of this collegiate political leadership and, as a result of this debate, modify everything that suits what now provides the rules of the Consell on its governance and its institutional structure," he finishes

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The "legitimacy" of the Consell?

In the communiqué, the Consell defends its "legitimacy" to be the entity that decides on a strategy for the Independence bid. It affirms that it was born as a result of the referendum of October 1 and the declaration of independence. That is why, says the statement, in its "foundational" stage it was formed by the former ministers and the former president in exile, recalling that this was agreed by Junts and ERC after the elections on December 21, 2017. Unlike what ERC and the CUP believe, the CxR considers itself "transversal" because it includes representatives of the Government dismissed by the imposition of home rule, the sovereignist entities and pro-independence parties without institutional representation.

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In the opinion of the Consell, the fact that it is a private entity in Belgium is an advantage: "it acts in a sovereign manner and without dependence on the State, it has no limitation derived from Spanish laws and is beyond the reach of repressive action"

He defends that the "democratic overflow", to be "successful", requires a "political" direction in which all parties and sovereigntist entities participate in a "collegial" way. "We are convinced that this collegiate political direction will be more legitimate and more effective if it is inserted in a legitimate and effective institutional framework," says the statement, arguing that it should be included within the Consell.