
What has happened between Aitana and her representative, the woman who was also Rosalía's right-hand woman?

The singer has dispensed with the services of Nuria Andreu and has signed Miguel Torán

and A.P.

BarcelonaAitana is not only a hit on the music charts, but also on Netflix. The documentary series about the singer from Sant Climent de Llobregat, Metamorphosis, is currently the most viewed content on the streaming platform in Spain. The production is generating conversations both for the intimate details that are explained, such as the depression that the singer was diagnosed with, and for the people around her who appear. One of the figures who until now was anonymous but who has gained relevance with the premiere of the documentary is Nuria Andreu, the singer's representative until four days before the release of the documentary. Metamorphosis. Andreu has a lot of presence in the docuseries and the fact that Aitana has decided to do without him has surprised fans and the media.

Andreu, who was Rosalía's right-hand man during the promotion of the album Motomami, has worked with Aitana for 13 months, a time in whichformer winner has experienced a real professional explosion thanks to the tour Alpha. Before her signing, Aitana's trusted person was her cousin, Olga de Palma, who was by her side since the singer leftOperation triumph. When Aitana's career began to take on international projection, De Palma took a step back, and Andreu assumed the role of represented by decision of GTS, the representation company that handles the singer's affairs.

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The same day that the film premiered Metamorphosis, last Friday, it was revealed that Aitana had fired Andreu. Since then, one of the hypotheses as the cause of the breakup is an alleged confrontation between the representative, Aitana's father, Cosme Ocaña, and the singer herself. However, today the representative has denied this information through the gossip journalist Paloma García-Pelayo, a collaborator of And now Sonsoles, a program on Antena 3. "She understands that these are different times for Aitana and, for that reason, she will dedicate herself to other artists. She is a creator of artists, according to what she tells me, and she clarifies to me that she has had a very good relationship with Cosme and that he is dedicated to management and she to strategy and making important decisions."

One of the possible reasons for Andreu's dismissal would be his excessive presence in Aitana's career. "It is true that in the documentary you see a very prominent Nuria making decisions even without agreeing with Aitana. But let it be clear that according to the version that she gives me there has not been any problem and Cosme has not been a problem for her to stop working with Aitana, with whom she has been for a year. She is a professional person who has been with Rosa." After Andreu's sudden dismissal, Aitana has started to work with another manager, Miguel Torán.

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With the premiere of MetamorphosisAitana has been accused of being contradictory, since in the series she complains about the lack of privacy to which she is subjected while she talks about things as personal as the depression and hypochondria she suffers from and shows her relationship with Sebastián Yatra.