There is an urgent need to expand the welfare state

I cannot help but think, seeing the situation that has been continually reaching us in recent months from all parts of the world, that we have reason to be very concerned. But, at the same time, I also believe that we have the obligation to do, within our possibilities, something to help remedy it. Obviously, I leave aside the enormous nonsense and nonsense that the political leaders of some large countries are proud of, whose behavior only deserves total rejection from me. I wonder how so many people of different ages and social positions can support them, both in self-sufficient and democratic countries. I think that things are happening that we do not fully understand, but nevertheless I want to make some considerations that can help combat the large amount of false or manipulated information that circulates and that leads many to make emotionally intense but generally erroneous decisions. If a better diagnosis is made, remedies can begin to be proposed.
1. The well-known "welfare state". Part of humanity, not all or even the majority, experienced a period of strong economic growth and well-being in the second half of the last century, which is what matters. It was made possible by the exploitation of many mineral and energy resources and the use of great technological advances, but above all thanks to a series of political decisions that were put in place: compulsory and free education, universal free health care, the consolidation of retirement pensions, the establishment of a minimum wage and, in short, a tax system. All this led to a situation that not only increased GDP but also reduced inequalities and created a feeling of tranquillity and confidence in the future for a large majority of citizens. It was common for children to hope, and achieve, that their situation would be better than that of their parents...
2. The current situation. If we compare where we were 50 years ago with where we are today, we find ourselves facing many more difficulties, both as a result of problems that already existed but have worsened due to a lack of action, and new challenges that have new causes. All of this is caused by the current behaviour of the human species on the planet. I will comment on some realities with ecological, demographic and political aspects.
It is becoming increasingly clear that the planet is not capable of supporting the population it has today, due to insufficient natural resources and excessive waste, which generates climate change, global warming and other dangerous phenomena due to its unsustainability. We will certainly have to stop population growth, and probably even induce its decrease. In addition, our consumption model must be significantly modified, also reducing the differences in well-being that we have within and between countries, if we want to avoid serious conflicts of many kinds.
The demographic future has other aspects besides degrowth. Developed societies are experiencing, and will experience, a strong ageing process, due to longevity and a reduction in birth rates. This will make important migratory movements essential and will require many aid actions in the countries of the Global South. The contents that I have previously mentioned as positive factors that shaped the improvement of the welfare state must be preserved, and must be extended to more countries. But not only must they be avoided, but some measures must be added to complement them in order to deal with demographic changes. I am thinking above all of the right to decent housing, in addition to economic aid for the elderly and care and attention systems for those who need it. These are three elements to be added to the current social welfare policies, but without reducing those that already exist.
In the political arena, what is happening now makes me think that we are not going to solve the problems but rather we are going to continue to aggravate them. In easy-to-understand terms, we have gone from a period with a majority of social democratic policies to a strong neoliberalism that is advancing dangerously and increasingly to the right, both in developed countries and in many less wealthy ones. This, in addition, is leading to a reduction in taxes, especially for large companies and large estates. There will be a lack of public money. A review and extension of the so-called "welfare state" is urgently needed, taking into account also that new resources will be needed to improve security and defence. Once again, Europe can be an example of the necessary change, but it can only be so if it acts together as a single state and if it does so in collaboration with other powers.