The question of the consultation on Valencian

The president of the Valencian Generalitat in a recent image.
1 min

Do you want the boys and girls of the Valencian Community (not the Valencian Country) to receive school education in the language that we have been prohibiting for centuries by all means, including violent ones, until we have lost its value in use; a language that we have persecuted to give its speakers a complex and make them believe that they spoke a dialect, ignoring the existence of Ausiàs March, Joanot Martorell, Joan Fuster or Raimon, and that we have turned into a language marked as problematic in contrast to the normal one, and about which we have lied to their conscience. Of this same language in other territories (not countries) of separatists in order to avoid the danger that they might come to believe members of a national identity differentiated from the Castilian-Spanish, which is the only mission that has moved us, moves us and will move us to offer new glories in Spain, while with the other hand we do business? Say No in any linguistic imposition. Check the box for the No.

Do you want to join the great cause of freedom, which blows like an unstoppable gale from Washington to Moscow and which will soon reach our capital, Madrid, when we free it from the perfidious social-communist government thanks to the brave sacrifice of the only legitimate president we recognize, and thus free them from the impositionswokeWhy do they want to prohibit cultural expressions so dear to our being like bullfighting, ham and construction in flood zones? Say Yeah to freedom and the right to vote. Check the box next to the Yeah.
