PP leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo speaks at the assembly of the National Federation of Associations of Self-Employed Workers, ATA, on Monday in Madrid.
3 min

1- Insensitivity. Where there is nothing, nothing flows. Mazón's resistance to resign, beyond confirming his inability to empathize with reality, only highlights the misery of certain politics, which, incapable of following any other criterion than the presumed interest of the party, is insensitive to people when the facts catch them in their incompetence. Mazón is a politically charred character. He has no chance of surviving a crisis that has caught him off guard from the first moment. He was where he shouldn't have been and he was not able to realize it and be there for the job.

Everyone knows that Mazón has no future, that his political career is over. Insensitivity to read a tragic situation, inability to put himself in the place of others, a pathetic complacency that prevents him from recognizing his mistakes and an endless exercise of lies and contradictions that mean that, when push comes to shove, he neither emanates authority nor generates the slightest empathy, he is lost in a game of exercises on a tragic day for the Valencian citizens that he only understood when there were already a hundred dead. The character is written off, now we just have to wait for the days left for his own party to give him the final push, since he has not had the slightest greatness to ask for forgiveness and leave.

But here we find the politicking, the miseries that the parties deploy with pathetic frequency. What is the PP waiting for to open the exit door? The most elementary sense of responsibility would suggest that in such circumstances the facts should come first and not the petty partisan calculations. And the obligation of those who govern, in a tragic experience, is to take the lead in the reconstruction of the country, with leadership and recognition from the people. From the first moment it was evident that this could not be done by a president with a petrified face who still has as his fundamental concern to spread often contradictory versions of his indefensible behavior on that critical day.

By elementary political responsibility, the PP should have forced Mazón's resignation - four months have passed and they are still thinking about it - and replaced the character with someone who would lead, with the complicity of society, the material and civic reconstruction of the country. But for this to happen it is necessary that those who command - those who have the power in the party - have the authority and the necessary aplomb to make the change effective without delay. Look for a new person who is capable of leading the reconstruction with decision and complicity with the people.

2- Indecision. We all know, however, that at the head of the PP, although it may not seem so at times, is Feijóo, who bellows a lot in parliamentary seats but finds it difficult to take steps, make decisions and be sure of what he must do. And the tendency is to opt for doing nothing: let Mazón finish burning himself in these hard times and then when the elections are approaching we will put a new face. A pile of mediocrity in ambition: instead of playing hard and trying to lead a difficult moment in which things well done could have a reward, they let everything fall on a president who has already demonstrated his incompetence. And now they find that the Valencian PP is naked and disoriented. And anger rises.

Good politics requires risk and perspective. Keeping Mazón so as not to burn another is an exhibition of the party's distrust in itself and of political mediocrity. And an exhibition of irresponsibility towards the Valencians. The recovery of the DANA cannot be based on miserable calculations about whether we will win or lose, whether Vox will make it difficult for us or whether the opposition will ultimately capitalise on it. Those who follow these petty calculations in critical circumstances like this have everything to lose. And the expressions of confidence in Mazón – increasingly reduced to the strict environment around Feijóo – cannot, at this time, be recognised by the citizens. And in politics it is not enough to talk – which is what Feijóo does – decisions must be made. Starting with his own house, which is where the authority of each one is best appreciated. If he does not dare to set the pace for his people, what will he do if one day he comes to govern?
