The owner of the world made a speech in which he addressed his "best friend" (read it together, "best friend", with the meaning of when you are a minor), Elon Musk, and praised him for his cuts in public spending, which - we read it in the ARA - "has been the ace."
Cutting "civil servants" looks good everywhere. Civil servants, all over the world, since they exist, are a cliché. The cliché of the lazy person, who always goes to breakfast, who treats very badly and without the desire to solve anything and who entertains himself by reading sports or gossip news. No are, but rather representIt's like killing the Romanovs, but in a more subtle way, in the American way.
I don't know what the cost of firing these people is, who I imagine had – and this is the main reason for envy towards them – a permanent job. Donald Trump throws them out to "slim down" the administration and make the phrase "Get the state out of my pocket" a reality. But by slimming down the administration he destroys jobs. He sends them to the unemployment office. And he must pay them benefits, of course. These people will still receive money from the state and from the pockets of Americans, but this time without doing anything. When unemployment ends they will have to look for other jobs, and in the meantime they will not go out to dinner, or to the theater, or pay for Netflix, or take taxis, or buy flowers, or wine, or things considered superfluous. They will not pay babysitters, or housekeepers, or extracurricular activities. The economy will suffer. When they want to go and ask for help or subsidies, they will find that there are no officials to help them with the paperwork.
And this is how, one more day, the feudal lord arranges. One more day, he shows a most extraordinary nose to detect the – let's say – malaise of public opinion and a most ordinary brain to invent a – let's say – solution.