Total eclipse

A total solar eclipse will leave Catalonia in the shadows: when and how to see it

The country will be one of the few lucky areas where the astronomical phenomenon will completely hide the Sun

One of the most spectacular phenomena in astronomy is coming: on August 12, 2026, a total solar eclipse will take place that will leave Catalonia in the shadow. In fact, although it will affect Europe, it will only be visible in Iceland, in the Spanish State and in a very small part of Portugal. We will all be privileged: the total eclipse will only be visible in the north of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands (the only points in the State where the occultation will be complete).

Eduard Masana, researcher at the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia and the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the UB, explains that a total eclipse can be seen from somewhere in the world approximately every 18 months, but that in many cases "part of its path is at sea." That is precisely why we are talking about a rare phenomenon to witness: in fact, what we will experience in 2026 will be the first in Catalonia since 1905.

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When and from where the solar eclipse can be seen

To experience this astronomical phenomenon, one that has not occurred in Europe since 1999, we will have to wait until 2026. It will be on August 12 when, from Lleida, Tarragona, Castellón, Valencia, Palma and surrounding areas of these cities, the total eclipse will be visible, around 8:30 p.m. (the exact moment). The luckiest Catalans will be those in Ponent, Terres de l'Ebre and the Balearic Islands: "If we imagine a line that approximately connects Lleida with Vilanova i la Geltrú, all the territory that is south of this line will enjoy a total eclipse. The further south, the longer the totality phase will be," explains Masana.

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The area where the eclipse will be longest will be in Terres de l'Ebre: it will last just over a minute and a half in places like Tortosa. Outside this strip, that is, in the northern half of Catalonia, the eclipse will be seen as partial.

The path of the total eclipse will begin on the Russian coast of the Laptev Sea, pass very close to the North Pole and travel over Greenland. The band of totality will then descend towards the Atlantic Ocean and the Iberian Peninsula. In fact, it will cross Spain during the afternoon (local time) and end in the Balearic Islands at sunset. The specific path is determined by the positions and how the three stars involved in the phenomenon move: the Sun, the Moon and the Earth.

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What exactly is a total solar eclipse?

This type of phenomenon occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth and completely blocks the face of the star. When we are in the center of the Moon's shadow, the sky is completely darkened and, if the weather conditions allow it, the Sun's corona can be seen (a sight that leaves spectacular images). Masana specifies that within the band of totality "it does not become pitch black": "We receive light, through the atmosphere, from areas outside this band where the eclipse is not total. In any case, the darkness is great enough to make visible some of the brightest stars and planets in the sky alone, but only then, we must distinguish very well between the phases of partiality and totality. During partiality, when the Moon has not yet completely covered the Sun, You can't look directly without anything protecting your eyes.. Looking directly at the Sun can cause damage to the retina, so you should use approved filters, which can be purchased at opticians or astronomy stores: "Whenever part of the Sun's surface is visible, even if it is very small, you should wear protective glasses. Failure to do so could result in serious eye injuries that can be...

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During totality, however, we should look directly at the Sun if we want to enjoy the view of the eclipsed Sun (the solar corona, protuberances, stars, ambient darkness, etc.), since we would not see anything with glasses. Now, we must be careful to protect our eyes again when partiality returns.

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When will we see her again?

This astronomical phenomenon in Catalonia will be unique: we will not see a total eclipse again until November 17, 2180, more than 150 years from now! However, we will soon witness another extraordinary event: we will have 3 eclipses in consecutive years. In August 2027 there will be another total solar eclipse that will only be visible in the south of the Peninsula, and in February 2028 we will have an annular eclipse that we will see in Catalonia. In these eclipses the moon is not large enough to cover the entire sun, and what we see is a "sun ring".