Puigdemont, Junqueras, Romeva to raise awareness of the referendum in event at European Parliament on January 24

They will denounce the fact that the Spanish government has no intention of negotiating an agreement, and will express their pro-European vocation

CNA Barcelona

Carles Puigdemont, President of the Generalitat, Oriol Junqueras, Vice-President, and Raül Romeva, Minister of Foreign Affairs, will travel to Brussels on January 24th to participate in an event at the European Parliament, during which they plan to educate attendees about the referendum, as government sources have explained to CNA.

Puigdemont, Junqueras, and Romeva will explain that there is a majority in Parliament that wants to reach an agreement with Spain for a binding consultation, but they will also denounce that the Spanish government does not wish to negotiate. They will let it be known that they intend to hold a referendum regardless.

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They will also take advantage of the event to send a message of confidence in the EU, noting their own pro-European vocation.

In addition to international press, the presence of diplomats and MEPs is expected.