The Ministry of Culture grants 4 million in extraordinary aid to the Catalan cultural sector

Grants for productions and tours, both theatre and music, are awarded


BarcelonaThe Ministry of Culture, through the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music (Inaem), has granted more than 4 million euros in extraordinary aid to the cultural sector of Catalonia to address the covid crisis. This means 1,432,000 euros will be awarded for dance, lyrics and music and 2,588,900 million euros to the theatre and circus. The Inaem has reformulated the annual aid it grants to the cultural sector and has increased it. You can consult the lists of provisional beneficiaries for theatre and music here.

Among the Catalan companies that will receive aid are private and public companies and non-profit organisations. In the music and lyric section there are entries to the Fundació Castell de Peralada or the Associació Amics de l'Òpera Sabadell, among others. As for festival organisers, Primavera Sound and Sala Razzmatazz will be receiving grants. In the theatre and circus section there are companies like Focus and its theatres, the cooperative Som, the Circ Raluy and the Circ Cric, Bitò, the companies La Fura dels Baus, Dagoll Dagom, La Perla 29 or the Fundació Sala Beckett.