Impossible to confuse the smell of paint
Pinturas Jordi, on Aribau Street in Barcelona, is a classic of local commerce

Few smells are more identifiable than that of paint. And varnish. And solvent. Those smells are dangerously addictive, aren't they? Pinturas Jordi, on Calle Aribau, 88, is a universe of these smells. And that's even though today ecological paints have greatly softened the olfactory irradiation of the products. Joan Jordi Romeu, the third generation of Joans Jordi in charge of the business, explains it to me. His grandfather, Joan Jordi Ferrer, was the initiator. His father, Joan Jordi Cortés, the successor. And he, Joan Jordi Romeu, the current one. He has spent more than three decades behind the shop windows and in front of the wooden shelves, original furniture, the emblem of the store.
More than three hundred drawers, some of which are still impregnated with the pigments that were once used to make coloured paints. There are also some beautiful wooden signs hanging from the ceiling, which come from the other family shop, also selling paint, on Sants Street, which Joan's father transferred in the early eighties. What is the secret of the business? There is not much of a secret. No matter how many years go by, people will continue to need to paint the walls, ceilings, facades and windows of their homes, offices, premises and, in general, living and social spaces. And at Pintures Jordi they have an answer for all needs. Well, there is one that they don't: for cars, which is a world apart.
What is the most common request? As easy as someone who wants to paint their house. And the automatic question: how many meters and what color? Before, the preparation had to be done by hand, today there is a machine that with a code and a base quantity prepares the order diligently. Easier and also less exposure to the smell of chemicals. Although Joan insists on emphasizing that today ecological and sustainable materials are the most requested, which reverberates in the balance and health of everyone, buyers and sellers. On the other hand, what is going down is spray paint, since it is difficult to isolate yourself from the annoying toxic cloud that it generates. Paint for wooden surfaces is also a common purchase among customers. Which, by the way, can be both individuals and professionals who do a renovation. Because it is known that it is not finished without the essential coat of paint. And if you do not have the ability or patience, if you prefer to trust a professional, Joan also provides a painter to do the work for you. A recurring request.
Of course, all kinds of brushes are also available in stock. And spools. And the classic rolls of adhesive tape that allow you to protect surfaces before starting the painting ritual again. A customer who seems to be a regular – wearing a white coat stained with paint – comes in and asks for a can of paint stripper and a can of plastic putty. Quick as lightning, Joan sends her off in less than five minutes. It's nice that the knowledge of a trade allows you to go to work without neglecting good treatment and advice. This last detail is advantageous. "What should I use to paint this surface?", "Which brush will work best for me?", "Is water-based paint the best?", "Is this enamel the ideal one?"
I can't help but mention to Juan how I remember the image of his father, tall and strong, the times that, as a customer, I came into the shop because the house needed painting again. Joan Jordi Cortés died just a few weeks before the start of the pandemic, with the subsequent emotional upheaval for the family. And then the virus forced two months of forced closure. A shock. But then, two or three months of booming sales. "It seemed like everyone had decided to paint their house," Joan remembers. We all had more time than usual to, among many other options, dedicate it to renovating and updating the home. Today Joan is doing well alone in front of the business and Pintures Jordi has a long way to go. And that smell that is neither good nor bad. That shop smell that is worth it.