The executive chaired by Carlos Mazón has two large open fronts of misgovernment: the so-called law of educational freedom (also known as the Rovira law, in reference to the current education minister of the Generalitat Valenciana, José Antonio Rovira) and Mazón's own attempts to evade his responsibilities in the disastrous management of the DANA of 29. Mazón gains in infamy, even if it is because his repeated denials of reality (this Wednesday he made some mind-blowing statements according to which it is the press, the opposition and the protesting citizens who are lying about the events of the day of the cold drop, and not him) constitute a direct offense against the families of the families of the families. He applies the Ayuso/Rodríguez manual: deny everything, lie wholesale and insult, defame and threaten everyone who opposes him, while awarding million-dollar contracts to friends.
All this raises a storm of dust that unfairly pushes into second place the disarray of the aforementioned Rovira law and the consultation on the base language, in which parents of students are urged to vote electronically (from this Tuesday 25th until next March 4th) in which language they want their children to be schooled. Both things, the law and the consultation, are nothing else - as Moisès Vizcaino has denounced to the digital The Voice of the Valencian Country– that instruments to corner and minimize Valencian in the space where it has the greatest presence, which is in the classrooms of public education, and to discriminate, point out and restrict Catalan-speaking citizens. Rovira is a character who responds to the archetype of the politician hooligan, who understands the exercise of power as an opportunity to ruthlessly attack his adversaries, whom he considers enemies to be defeated. His fixation (like that of so many leaders of the Valencian and non-Valencian PP, with or without pressure from Vox) is Catalan, or Valencian. They simply want to make it disappear, and would experience it as a great victory if they were the ones to achieve this feat. We already know the level of obfuscation, of taint and of lack of democratic intelligence that exists in this way of thinking and acting, but it has not expired with the years of democracy: it has been perpetuated and has recently been reinforced again.
To achieve their goal, Rovira and the Mazón government propose the consultation on the basic language of education based on a double fallacy wrapped in the word "freedom." On the one hand, they present Valencian as the "imposed" language and Castilian as the "free" language, the one that is natural to want to use (because it has more speakers). On the other, they appeal to the "freedom" of parents to choose, as if it were an à la carte service, how they want their children's school to be. Both things are false and neither of them makes sense, but they work because part of the citizenry is already doing well to identify freedom with their prejudices, or with their lack of will to live with others.