The first baby of the year in Catalonia is a girl named Yinara, from Constantí

The first baby in Barcelona is called Inés; the one in Lleida, Ariet, and the one in Girona, Aday


BarcelonaA girl, Yinara Carmona Jimenez, is the first baby of 2021 born in a public health hospital in Catalonia. As reported by the Department of Health of the Generalitat on social networks, the little girl was born at 0.00 am and is from Constantí. The girl has weighed 3,150 kilos and her parents are Aleix and M. Carmen.

If Yinara was the first Catalan girl of 2020, Inés Valeria Anchundia Parraga, born in the Hospital of la Vall d'Hebrón, was the first birth of Barcelona city. Daughter of Alisson Anchundia and Kevin Parraga, she weighed 2790 grams. In the northern metropolitan health region, the first birth was that of Ricardo, who was born at 00.18 h. In Central Catalonia the first birth was that of Arnau Artero Gras, who was born at 00.16 am in Igualada Hospital. The baby weighed 2390 grams.

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The first birth in Lleida was Ariete, in Arnau de Vilanova Hospital in the city of Lleida, who was born at 1.04 am, while in the health region of Girona the first birth was that of Aday Larragay Llevarán, who was born weighing 3,210 kg at 00.45 am.

Paternity leave extended to 16 weeks

As of January 1st, the paternity leave will be extended to 16 weeks. This means that the leave is equal for both parents, who have 100% of the salary, and is not transferable, that is, one parent cannot give his or her weeks to the other. Parents of newborns are on compulsory, full-time leave for the first six weeks after birth.