The Supreme Court preventively suspends election postponement

Date of elections back to February 14 pending final ruling

Xavi Tedó / Núria Orriols

BARCELONACatalonia's High Court has decided in favour of maintaining the February 14 elections as a precautionary measure. In a statement, it said that the decree that postponed the elections signed on Friday by vice president Pedro Aragonés "is suspended" and that, therefore, the decree calling for elections on February the 14 remains in force. However, the court also warns that this decision "does not anticipate a position on the substance of the matter" and that it is provisional.

The court met early this morning to analyse the precautionary measures that a private individual had requested to stop the decree postponing the elections made by the government on Friday. The sitting judges are José Manuel de Soler Bigas, Francisco José Sospedra, Pedro Luis García, Eduard Paricio, Elsa Puig and Rosa Maria Muñoz.

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This is an unusual decision, since never before has the Government postponed elections - due to the situation of the pandemic - and it is also the first time that a court has ruled on this issue.

In addition to the precautionary measures requested by this private citizen, the court also had to decide on what deadline it would give to the precautionary measures requested by the parties that have challenged the decree. In this sense, the court gives until Thursday at ten o'clock in the morning for the Generalitat and the Public Prosecutor's Office to make their position known.