
Benefit for those over 52: requirements, benefits, and duration

We explain all the details of this subsidy and how it affects retirement.

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BarcelonaThe subsidy for those over 52 is a benefit for people who have already exhausted their unemployment benefits—or other benefits—and have no other income. If you want to know if you're eligible, we'll explain the requirements you must meet, all the details of the subsidy, and all the information you need to access it:

How do I apply for the subsidy?

The application can be submitted through the SEPE electronic headquarters, at any public registry office or by administrative mail. The documentation required to access the service is: an identification document, either the NIE (National Identification Number) or the NIF (National Tax Identification Number), a bank document showing the account number of the holder where the benefit is to be received, and the last year's income tax return. You must also fill out the official application form, which can be obtained from the official SEPE website.

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Requirements for accessing help

  • Be 52 years of age or older (there are very specific exceptions in which the subsidy is granted to people on a temporary basis).
  • Having exhausted the contributory benefit or unemployment benefit.
  • Be fully unemployed or working part-time, provided that the income received does not exceed 75% of the minimum wage, excluding the proportional share of the two bonus payments.
  • Demonstrate that you have contributed in Spain for at least six years throughout your working life.
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Can you collect until retirement?

The subsidy for those over 52 years of age may be extended until the recipient reaches the minimum ordinary age required to qualify for a retirement pension. However, if the maximum income is exceeded, the pension will be lost. To monitor this, it will be mandatory to file a tax return with the SEPE (Spanish Social Security System) every twelve months. Failure to do so will result in the suspension of the subsidy and Social Security contributions.

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The monthly subsidy amount will be equal to 80% of the public indicator of multiple-effect income (IPREM), set at €480 in 2025. It is important to note that this subsidy does contribute to retirement: 125% of the minimum base of the current Social Security system.