9:30 a.m.
Arrival, accreditation and welcome coffee.
10 - 10:15 h
Welcome. By Laia Bonet, First Deputy Mayor of Barcelona City Council, Urban Planning, Ecological Transition, Urban Services and Housing.
10:15 - 10:30 h
Opening and presentation of the Conference, by Evelyn Segura, biologist and scientific communicator.
10:30 - 11 a.m.
"The moment of climate policy in Spain and Europe" - By Hugo Morán, Secretary of State for the Environment of the Government of Spain.
11 - 12 h
"Low-emission public transport, the key to sustainable mobility" . Participants: João Vieira, Director of Strategy, Innovation and Environment at Carris-Lisbon; François Warnier, Director of Bus 2025 at RATP-Paris; Veli Rıdvanoğlu, Head of Research Development at IETT Istanbul; and Lise Dipnarine, Head of Business Development at TfL London. Moderated by Josep Mensión, Director of Central Services for the TMB BUS Network.
12 - 13 h
"European NetZeroCities mission: what do cities need to achieve their goals?" . Participants: Anna Lisa Boni, Deputy Mayor for European Recovery Funds, Ecological Transition and International Relations of the City of Bologna; Mar Jiménez, Commissioner for European Affairs of the City of Barcelona; Ada Ámon, Executive Director of the Budapest Climate Agency, and Manuel Szapiro, Director of the European Commission Representation in Barcelona. Moderated by Isabella Longo, Senior Project Coordinator NetZeroCities of Eurocities.
14 -15 h
"Joining forces for climate action: urban climate policies in collaboration with citizens, entities and companies" . Participants: Laia Bonet, First Deputy Mayor of Barcelona City Council, and Magdalena Mlochowska, Coordinator of Green Warsaw (Warsaw City Council). Moderated by Anja de Cunto, Director of Participation and European Public Affairs at C40.
15:30 - 17 h
Barcelona + Sustainable Agenda 2030 Awards Ceremony.
17 h