Aragonès is chosen as ERC candidate for the 14-F elections

Teresa Jordà, Marta Vilalta, and Raquel Sans head the candidate lists for the other constituencies

Aragonès és escollit el candidat d'ERC a les eleccions del 14F amb rècord d'avals
1 min

BarcelonaERC has an official candidate for the presidency of the Generalitat. The national coordinator of the Republican party, Pere Aragonès, has obtained 2,343 signatures, which represents a record in the history of the party - exceeding the 2,105 signatures obtained by Oriol Junqueras for the 2019 European elections.

The Vice President of the Generalitat - and acting president - announced last November 7th in an open letter to ARA that he aspired to be the Republican candidate for the parliamentary elections of February 14th. "I place myself at the service of Esquerra Republicana, in order to be a candidate for the presidency of the Generalitat", he stated in the letter.

Aragonès had long been preparing to take this leap. The incarceration of Esquerra's president, Oriol Junqueras, and the exile in Switzerland of the general secretary, Marta Rovira, have turned him into a person of reference in both the Republican party and in the Government for more than two years. In the letter, Aragonès admitted that his turn to be a candidate comes early, and he takes the step because "those who should be here, Oriol Junqueras and Marta Rovira, cannot do it because of repression".

Raquel Sans, for her part, has obtained 341 endorsement votes in Tarragona; Marta Vilalta, 225 endoresment votes in Lleida, and Teresa Jordà, 284 endorsement votes in Girona. In all cases, the candidates have obtained the support of more than 10% of the militants of the federation of which they are part. In this way, the candidatures in the four demarcations are already defined, since no other have been presented.

From now on, the internal process in order to elect the members who will have to integrate the electoral list of the Republicans continues. This will have to be ratified on December 12 in the formation's National Council.
