Antoni Bassas' analysis: 'Mossos at the borders and the Generalitat as a one-stop shop for immigration'

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Today is a very important day. Yesterday we told you that the PSOE-Juntos agreement on immigration could be rushed, because they were already in the final stages, or that it would become stagnant, because it should have been closed by Christmas. Well, it has been rushed. The news was leaked last night, so this morning it could have been the headline of the front page. We are learning the content this morning.. This is very important content. We are facing a comprehensive delegation of powers from the State, which will place the Mossos at the borders, in ports and airports. It is similar to the moment when the Mossos began to patrol the roads and then became the reference police force in public safety, with the difference that at borders, ports and airports we will continue to see the National Police and Civil Guard, coordinated with the Mossos. Will there be enough Mossos to do the job? Yes, the agreement contemplates the incorporation of 1,800 more officers.

But there is more, much more, as PSOE and Junts have explained today in separate statements that they have issued simultaneously, where it is clear that Catalonia becomes a "one-stop shop" for authorizations for stay, temporary residence, issuing of NIE - which is the DNI of foreigners -, return and expulsion of foreigners' powers, and on Catalan."

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Today, this is a PSOE-Juntos agreement, which must now become an organic law, that is, it must be approved by Congress. It will take months. Junts scores a success and Sánchez gains stability because, obviously, now Junts will not bring down Sánchez. And about this organic law, the PSOE statement says: "With this law, Catalonia will be able to develop its own model, a comprehensive policy, given that in all phases of the relationship between immigrants and the administration, Catalan institutions will have a decisive position in accordance with international and Spanish legislation."

It is a delegation of powers from the hard core of the State. Catalan border police, ports, airport, one-stop shop. The PP has come out in force. Feijóo, who is in Barcelona for the Mobile Telephony World Congress, has spoken of "double and unprecedented humiliation", double because of what they have agreed and because they have agreed in Brussels, with Puigdemont, "who has unfinished business with the Spanish justice system". And Cuca Gamarra has already spoken of studying it to take the law to the Constitutional Court.

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On TVE, Vice President Yolanda Díaz was the first to say: "I want to point out, to give peace of mind, that everything is being done within the law."

This issue of border control (which will be shared) generates something like national hysteria. You know, when it suits them, the Generalitat is a state and the Mossos are security forces and bodies of the State, and when it suits them, they are not.

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Junts is very satisfied this morning, they believe they have achieved almost 100% of what they asked for. Of course, it has cost a lot, they had to threaten with a motion of confidence and not throw up the first omnibus decree. Withdrawing the motion of confidence was key, and it seems that the mediator had the list of non-compliances by the PSOE ready.

And a political derivative: Junts has taken up a banner that the extreme right wants to make its own, such as immigration, where the most strident discourse is from the Catalan Alliance. A senior representative of Junts told me this morning: "The Alliance does not want control of immigration, it wants re-emigration and deportations. We are committed to integration into Catalan identity. They are expelling them."

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Good morning.