Ada Colau to lead protest against 9N indictment of Mas, Ortega and Rigau

ARA Barcelona

The Mayoress of Barcelona city, Ada Colau, will lead the protest against the indictment of Mas, Ortega and Rigau for organising a non-binding vote on November 9 last year, according to a statement released by Ara és l’hora (1) (“Now is the Time”). Siding with her will be the leaders of Catalonia’s main trade unions, Joan Carles Gallego (CCOO) and Josep Maria Àlvarez (UGT), as well as Joan Rigol --the president of Catalonia’s National Pact for the Right to Decide-- and other representatives of organisations and political parties.

The Assemblea Nacional Catalana (ANC), Òmnium Cultural, the Associació de Municipis per la Independència and the Associació Catalana de Municipis --the main pro-independence grassroots groups-- have called on the Catalan people to gather outside Catalonia’s High Court in the morning --when Rigau’s deposition is scheduled-- and in the afternoon --to coincide with Ortega’s--. In the evening there will be a protest in front of every town hall in Catalonia.

No hay anuncios


(1) N.T. Ara és l’hora (“Now is the Time” in Catalan) is a grassroots group that supports Catalonia’s right to self-determination.