
Ter Stegen denies having suffered an infidelity and attacks Catalunya Ràdio's 'Que no salir de aquí'

The program reminds us that they are not news, but entertainment.

BarcelonaTer Stegen's divorce has taken on a media spin-off. The Barça goalkeeper has posted a storyon his Instagram profile in which he harshly criticizes Catalunya Ràdio and the program Don't let him out of here for explaining that Daniela Jehle's infidelity has been the reason for the separation. "I am shocked and disappointed by the poor management and lack of leadership and control at Catalunya Ràdio and 3Cat, which have spread false news and violated personal rights – says the Barça player –. The journalists Juliana Canet, Roger Carandell and Marta Montaner are liars and have distributed false news that have distributed false news that have offered false news.

The goalkeeper takes advantage of the message to be blunt about the alleged extramarital affair: "There has been no infidelity on Daniela's part. There are no third parties involved. This is a fact. As has been communicated, Daniela and I have decided to go our separate ways in good circumstances and maintain communication based on trust. Daniela's mind and is attacked personally.

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During the broadcast of this Monday of the Don't let him out of here, the show's team has reacted in Ter Stegen's statement. Roger Carandell wanted to remember that the space "is an entertainment program." "It is true that we tell things that come to us, but we do not have an informative or journalistic vocation. We try to put on a show and have a good time. This does not mean that we tell lies," he said. Later, the team posted a statement on social networks: "We want to publicly apologize for the pain we have caused him and his family."

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Married in Sitges in 2017, the couple formed by the footballer and the interior designer have ended a thirteen-year relationship that has also given them two children aged five and one. The separation was made public last Thursday. "After careful reflection, Dani and I have decided to continue on separate paths. The decision has not been easy, as you can imagine, but we believe it is the best for us. Our joint approach is to do what is best for our children and ensure that they continue to have a loving and stable environment," they communicated at the time. This first statement came after it was leaked to the press that Ter Stegen now lives in a hotel in Barcelona, ​​​​and not in the family mansion in Castelldefels.

The couple began the relationship in 2012, just when the goalkeeper also began his professional career at Borussia Mönchengladbach. Two years later, the goalkeeper signed for Barça and Jehle also moved with him to Catalonia, where a few years earlier she had studied architecture at the University of Barcelona. Five years after starting their relationship, they married in a civil ceremony in Sitges, and a few months later they celebrated a religious wedding in Tuscany with friends, family and members of the football world of both Borussia and Barça.

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