Once the phenomenon of The island of temptations, Telecinco starts Survivors after a prudent pause. The new reality It's exactly the same as always, one déjà vu approaches and actions, but this time it incorporates the viral phenomenon of the program of couples who cheat on each other to earn money. Montoya, internationally famous for his extreme desperation, dismayed by jealousy, has traveled to Honduras to starve in Cayo Cochinos. The premiere of Survivors It is an opportunity to analyze the roles of the program, divided between gods, demigods and mortals, and to delve into the mechanisms of the spectacle in the tragedy of resistance.
God: The presenter, Jorge Javier Vázquez, plays the role of the all-powerful. From the comfort of the set, he determines the destiny of the characters around him and from a distance. He has information that goes beyond what the rest of the participants know and he makes fun of the weaknesses of others with a haughtiness that reaffirms his position. He is a frivolous, despotic and unmerciful deity.
Goddess: The presenter on the island, Laura Madrueño, adopts the figure of the female deity in the most idealized stereotype according to the most traditional and sexist imagination. Half-naked, she is, above all, a symbol of beauty that manages the domestic part of the island.
Heroes: This is the section of contestants chosen to represent the most athletic role. They are bodies. Young men and women, half naked, who must appear athletic, vigorous, agile, thin and tanned. They are the generators of the epic. They have a preferential role, but in no case are they guaranteed victory. They represent human flesh, at the service of the whims of the gods of the program, but they play the role of attracting the audience.
Supporting heroes: They are the smallest group of older bodies. The passage of time has begun to take its toll on their physique, but they still have conditions considered acceptable by the television tyranny. They offer the morbid side of the beginning of decadence because they fight with dignity and desperately against the adversities of age.
Mortals and other hindrances: Depending on the level of decay, they belong to one of the subgroups. These are the contestants who do not provide the physical spectacle, but the dramatic one. They are usually the ones who provide the conflict, the aggression and the argument, causing hurricanes of disorder that drag the bodies along. Their health deficiencies also serve to incorporate the sensation of risk, suffering and anguish.
Comparsa: They are the relatives of the participants, who play the role of the heart of the tragedy. Their mission is to magnify the events and represent the role of the spectator on the set.
It is the great media tragedy. Spain Montoya lives pending the miseries of this pitiful and over-the-top spectacle.