
Òmnium asks Ustrell for explanations for the comment about Mònica Terribas

Xavier Antich, president of the entity, calls for "measures" to repair the "reputational damage" of the journalist

Ricard Ustrell
2 min

BarcelonaControversy between two of the most powerful radio voices in Catalonia. The president of Òmnium Cultural, Xavier Antich, has sent a letter this Thursday to the director of Catalunya Ràdio, Jordi Borda, to protest against statements by Ricard Ustrell that would attack the journalist and spokesperson of the entity, Mònica Terribas. This is what he announced The World of TV, which explains that the letter asks the public radio of Catalonia to take "measures" to repair "the reputational damage" that Ustrell's statements have caused in the entity.

This Wednesday, the deputy director ofThe morning of Catalunya Ràdio, Maiol Roger, concluded the press review that he does every day by quoting a fragment of the interview that the journalist and former presenter of the program, Mònica Terribas, gave to the newspaper The CountryTerribas said that he has "always" been "labeled": "I have been at a specific point in the history of my country doing journalism, I have always been labeled, and I know what pressure and constant judgement are like," he said on the occasion of the presentation of the documentary he directed, The heroic minute. I also left Opus Dei.

Upon hearing them, Ustrell showed his perplexity and asked: "How, how? Where do you say that Terribas says that?" And, after Roger clarified, he said: "Have they always wanted to label me, you say? Is that said by a leader of Òmnium Cultural? The same one who made that newscast saying «Good afternoon, citizens of the Catalan Republic»?". Finally, the journalist and presenter of the morning show has sentenced: "Maybe it is she who has labeled herself."

Òmnium has interpreted these statements as an attack on the career of the journalist and spokesperson for the entity. According to Antich, it is not admissible that the radio station questions the professional career of a recognized person with a long career backed by decades of experience. The morning of Catalunya Ràdio "disparaging" and the episode, "irresponsible."
