
Italy entrusts Mario Draghi with forming a new government

President Sergio Mattarella will be in charge after the failure of negotiations to keep Conte at the head of the government

and ARA

BarcelonaThe former president of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi will most likely be the new prime minister of Italy. The president of the country, Sergio Mattarella, has summoned Draghi this Wednesday at noon to entrust him with the formation of a new emergency government after Tuesday night's failure of the talks between the former partners to re-edit a government led by the hitherto prime minister, Giuseppe Conte.

The change of government follows the decision taken three weeks ago by former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi regarding the government coalition, which meant the party in government had become a minority. Despite the fact that Conte managed to come out on top of the vote of no confidence, to which he was subjected to in both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, the instability in which the government found itself led him to resign last week. Conte had hoped that he would be put back in charge of forming a new government, but in the end negotiations to achieve this have not been sucessful.

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Mattarella has appealed "to all the political forces of the country" to help create "a government that is not identified" with any political color and that can devote itself to addressing "the social and economic health emergency" arising from the covid-19 pandemic. The president of the republic has argued that he has opted for this option instead of calling for an election to avoid, precisely, the absence of a government with full capacity to fight the effects of the coronavirus.