Investigation against Barcelona mayor over subsidies to charities close to her party thrown out Society | 01/07/2022
Catalan Government and Barcelona Council will study limiting number of cruise ships Society | 02/06/2022
Barcelona mayor tells businesspeople expanding the port and the airport "is not a priority" Business | 05/05/2022
Barcelona adapts hotel plan to rulings and will allow more tourist apartments in Ciutat Vella Society | 10/12/2021
Díaz, Colau, Oltra and García stage joint act to get a woman elected next Spanish president Politics | 13/11/2021
Supreme Court forces Barcelona City Council to bring back image of the king in assembly hall Politics | 06/07/2021
Developers build 150 social flats a year in Barcelona thanks to new regulations Business | 27/05/2021
Barcelona City Council social service workers mobilise against Colau's government Society | 15/04/2021
Colau calls for calm and stresses that "the most serious thing" that has happened in the demonstrations for Hasél is that a demonstrator has lost an eye Society | 20/02/2021