PEN Català organizes a marathon in defense of freedom of expression and Pablo Hasél

Friday 5th March several literary personalities will participate in an 8-hour broadcast on YouTube

Demonstration in Barcelona against the imprisonment of Pablo Hasél on February 16. Manolo Garcia
1 min

BarcelonaPEN Català, from its committee of persecuted writers, has organized an eight-hour marathon in defense of freedom of expression and for the release of Pablo Hasél. The organization has called on the entire literary community to participate in the event, which will be held on March 5 from 9 o'clock and can be followed on the YouTube channel of PEN Català. At the moment there are about 60 people and entities that have signed the statement, which is open to more adhesions. It is also made with the collaboration of the entities that have mobilized in favor of Hasél's freedom, such as the Acadèmia Catalana de la Música, the Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana, the Associació de Publicacions Periòdiques en Català,, the Gremi de Llibreters de Catalunya, Llegir en Català and Òmnium.

PEN Català, the delegation of an international organization created in defense of freedom of expression and linguistic rights, has stated that they "outright reject" the sentence against Hasél, "which violates the right to freedom of expression and follows the sentences against the different artistic expressions of Valtònyc, the members of La Insurgencia, César Strawberry or Abel Azcona, among others".

The event will feature speeches by activists and personalities from the world of writing, music and art "to denounce the facts, call for the release of the rapper from Lleida and the reform of the Spanish Penal Code, as well as the repeal of the ley mordaza (gag law)".
